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DATE April 29 May 30, 1862 LOCATION Corinth, Mississippi RESULT Union victory NAME OF BATTLEFIELD The Siege of Corinth (also known as the First Battle of Corinth) UNION CONFEDERATE COMMANDERS Henry Halleck George H. Thomas
Don Carlos Buell
John Pope P. G. T. Beauregard
Braxton Bragg
Army of the Tennessee
Army of the Ohio
Army of the Mississippi
Army of Tennessee
Army of the West
STRENGTH 120,000 65,000 CAUSALITIES & LOSSES 1,000 1,000
DATE October 34, 1862 LOCATION Corinth, Mississippi RESULT Union victory NAME OF BATTLEFIELD Second Battle of Corinth (usually referred to as the Battle of Corinth) UNION CONFEDERATE COMMANDERS William Rosecrans Earl Van Dorn
Sterling Price UNITS INVOLVED Army of the Mississippi Army of the West Tennessee STRENGTH 23,000 22,000 CAUSALITIES & LOSSES 2,520
(355 killed;
1,841 wounded;
324 captured/missing)
(473 killed;
1,997 wounded;
1,763 captured/missing)